For a number of years I trained EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioners around the world. I trained some of the brightest, shiniest and most talented people imaginable—people who were highly skilled at helping others to overcome their traumas and challenges. One of the things that I noticed consistently was that only a small handful of those made it as practitioners. Many just didn’t have the business knowledge or skills to get their business off the ground. Others stood in their own way and didn’t know how to move beyond their own blocks and challenges. This is the book I wished I had had for them all back then. It’s an absolute gem of a resource and a reflection of Susie Shelmerdine’s knowledge level in this area. Because of this book, a multitude of EFT practitioners are going to succeed in business where they didn’t before. I am looking forward to the transformation this is going to create in the world. If you are considering buying this book to develop and improve your EFT business, it will undoubtedly be the best investment you make.